Thursday, December 27, 2012

Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Immobility of the shoulder is a chronic and debilitating condition brought on by trauma, repetitive injury or very often by some unknown cause.  It involves decreased range of motion (ROM), sharp pain with overhead lifting, and decreased motivation for fitness activities.  These all participate in a negative feedback cycle to cause more injury and longer healing times.   The break this cycle, significant alterations in daily activities need to be completed to influence faster recovery. A few at home exercises can be done daily to help you reduce the time it takes to heal.

The current research suggests that without treatment frozen shoulder can take upwards of three years to resolve on its own. With treatment (chiropractic, physiotherapy & massage) and rigorous home exercise that time is cut down to 1/3 or more, between six months and a year.   The take home message is active treatment is very important including chiropractic mobilization,  Active Release Technique®, Graston® Therapy. In addition to active treatment, specific home exercises have been linked to further increase in ROM and mobility.  Follow along to the activities below to start the healing process;

A.      Muscular Tightness: 

50% of the shoulder stability is by supporting muscles. Releasing the muscles is half the battle. The rotator cuff muscle group along with the biceps and pectoralis muscles all contribute.

1.)      Codmans Arm Swings - let arm hang straight with loose shoulder and rotate arm in concentric circles. Using a milk container with a handle and 1-2" water or  a small soup can.

 Small weight 1-2lbs 30 small circles both directions.

2.)      Wall Walks 
 Reach small line on wall 5x/day. Stabilize your shoulder blade by trying to squeeze them both together.

    B. Capsule & Ligament Tightness: 

3.)      Broomstick push - let the injured arm hold the top of the broomstick, letting the bad shoulder go loose, try to push the injured shoulder into difficult positions with the other arm. 

4.)    ROM stretch - Fingers touch behind back - both sides. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

5.)  Arm across the front stretch opening up posterior supporting muscles. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

3.      Shoulder Rehabilitation Program:

The next progression of the protocol to strengthen the shoulder after the ROM has been restored.  Please see Dr. Derek Vinge at Fit Chiropractic for the next step. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Healthy people everywhere have new reasons to enjoy almonds as researchers have recently announced that nuts not only taste good, but they're also good for you. Almonds are one of the most nutritious of all nuts. As more and more consumers become dedicated to healthy life-styles, experts have found that adding natural foods, such as almonds, to your diet may be the prescription for physical wellness in the 21st century.  

Cancer Prevention - Almonds are low in saturated fat and contain many other protective nutrients - calcium and magnesium - for strong bones, vitamin E and compounds called phytochemicals, which may help protect against cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

Phytochemical Powerhouse - Leading nutrition scientists presented their research findings in a symposium entitled "Nuts in a Healthful Diet", as a part of the 1998 Experimental Biology annual meeting. Dr. Gary Beecher, of the USDA-ARS, has analyzed the phytochemical content of almonds and states, "I have never seen this diversity of phytochemicals in a single food source." 

Reduce Heart Attack Risk - A Loma Linda School of Public Health study showed those who consumed nuts five times a week had a 50% reduction in risk of heart attack. 

Lower Cholesterol - In one clinical study, Dr. Gene Spiller, Director of the Health Research and Studies Center, Inc., showed that almonds added to the diet had a favorable effect on blood cholesterol levels and that none of the study groups experienced weight gain in the study. 

Some nuts contain rhizveritrol, the anti-inflammatory agent found in red wines and thought to be responsible for the "French paradox". Many scientists have pointed to the French consumption of red wine as one factor in the lower rate of heart disease despite their diets rich in cream sauces and buttery pastries. The fat in nuts is unsaturated, or the "good" fat and there is no cholesterol in these fats.

If you think almonds are just for satisfying your mid-afternoon munchies, you're in for a surprise! These tasty tidbits pack a nutritional punch, combining tons of essential nutrients in one very delicious package.

One teeny ounce of almonds contains 12 percent of your daily allowance of protein. And absolutely no cholesterol, of course. You'll also get 35 percent of your daily allowance of vitamin E, that valuable antioxidant with so many cancer-fighting qualities. And most of the fat in almonds is monounsaturated, also known as the "good" fat.
This little nut is also loaded with minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as lots of healthy fiber. And don't forget calcium and folic acid - they're in there too!
When you get right down to the details, it's no wonder so may people go nuts for almonds!

  • 20-25 almonds (approximately one ounce) contain as much calcium as 1/4 cup of milk, a valuable tool in preventing osteoporosis.

  • Almonds are the best whole food source of vitamin E, in the form of alpha-tocopherol, which may help prevent cancer.

  • If you're pregnant, or thinking about it, almonds are a great source of the folic acid you need!

  • Almonds contain more magnesium than oatmeal or even spinach. Are you listening, Popeye?

  • Build strong bones and teeth with the phosphorus in almonds.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Foot pain getting you down?

Plantar Fascitis

Chronic and problematic foot pain is often caused by incorrect footwear, one time over-exertion or even overuse. It is an inflammation or irritation of the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot that supports the arch.  The main and most severe pain is felt in the heel and can often linger from weeks to months.  The first few steps in the morning are often the most painful.  Plantar fascitis (or fasciosis) injury may cause debilitating pain that suddenly can increased with new shoes, standing for long periods on hard surface, or increasing your walking or running distance too quickly.  

Therapy at our clinic will involve chiropractic manipulation of the tarsal bones due to many restrictions in motion that appear with this condition. The soft tissue around the tender areas will be released using Graston® therapy and Active Release Therapy (A.R.T.®). If this is a severe progression of PF it is suggested to have custom foot orthotics made to support the arch of your foot. We can mold these in-clinic and have them ready within two weeks. Another option is purchasing neutral arch supports from your local running store, I recommend SuperFeet or similar brand. Robinson's Outdoor store in Victoria has an excellent supply.  

Research shows for complete resolve this treatment should be adhered to consistently 2-3x/week for 4-6 weeks, then 1x/week for 4 weeks then as needed.   Avoid steroid injections; these may lead to necrosis and weakening of the connective tissue and cause further damage.  Very good success rates in resolving this condition are found with adhering to this treatment plan! 

Take Home in addition to therapy:

Stretch calf and leg muscles often (2-3x/day) Hold for 30 seconds. 
Roll foot with hard ball (tennis/golf ball) - for up to 60 seconds/day. See image below. 
Avoid standing for long periods on concrete or hard floor 

Other options:
      A night splint to stretch the calf muscle and plantar fascia to be worn at night may be a possibility to help with therapy. We can make a solid casting for you in-office for you to wear. The other option is purchasing a Strassburg sock.

Call Dr. Derek Vinge to make an appointment today.

Westside Village 250.382.0777
PISE Sports Clinic 250.479.9970

Friday, July 27, 2012

Spring Health

Spring Tune-up
Spring is upon us! Just the other day, I was able to see my first lily bud sprouting in a neighbour's garden.  This was a prompt to me that I need to start my own garden preparations. An important reminder for myself and everybody else entering the "garden season" is that there are an increased number of injuries when starting up again for the season. The heavy lifting of fresh sand or mulch, twisting to pick those far reaching weeds, and hunching for extended periods of time can all contribute to the straining and spraining of our sensitive soft-tissues. 
Luckily, a few simple "pre-season" exercises can help prevent aches and pains.  Most importantly, increasing core stability will improve our abilities to maintain bending postures for prolonged periods of time.  Recent research recommends that building the endurance of core abdominal and lower back muscles is more important than actually “strengthening” the low back.  Keeping correct posture with strong abdominal muscles will prevent injury down the road and enable you to garden at all ages.  If you would like some more information on these exercises and to have your own personal biomechanics (walking, bending, lifting, kneeling) properly assessed, please see your local chiropractor.